Our project goal was to matchmaking companies & enterprises in a constant search for creative ideas and creative ways of doing things with dedicated artists who have a profound understanding of creativity and how to use it in product or service development processes. Successful cooperation between the two parties can be facilitated by the three supporting knowledge tools which were developed during our Valuable Creativity project. These knowledge materials are freely available on the project website:
- About creativity – OER for managers, decision makers and trainers who are interested in this topic.
- Creativity at work – MOOC for trainers and artists who are facilitating corporate training programs.
- Valuable creativity in Companies – MOOC for business leaders and decision-makers who want to harness the potential of creativity for business development.
The “Creativity of Value” project was funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ programme. The knowledge materials developed in the project are available not only in English, but also in Hungarian, Norwegian and Slovak for interested corporate decision-makers, artists and creativity trainers. If you want to read more about creativity later, you can download the OER here: