Contant us:



Mr. Zoltán Várkonyi
partner, managing director

economist-sociologist, expert on institution development and project development


Zoltán Várkonyi graduated as economist and sociologist on the Budapest University of Economic Sciences, and has more than 15 years of practical experience in the field of social development and institution development, founder of Progress Consult. His expertise includes programme design, programme evaluation, grant management with special regards to European Social Fund operation and other similar national initiatives. He was also key expert in several projects aimed at the improvement of quality and effectiveness of public services. Zoltán has extensive project management experience too, he was responsible for the design and management of a number of technical assistance projects. As trainer he has significant experience in curriculum development, designing and implementing training programmes. He speaks fluent Hungarian and English.


Mr. Lars Alrø Olesen
partner, managing director

educational planner; expert on social-politics, education and institution development


Lars Alrø Olesen graduated on the Teacher’s Training College of Gedved (Denmark), The University of Aarhus (Denmark) and The Danish University of Education. He has several years experience in working with the education sector in the Nordic countries, Asia and East and Central Europe. Beside this he has extensive experience from the social sectors and the transition process, and consequently with social sector restructuring. Lars has made extensive use of his pedagogical and communication skills in a number of contexts as in the devel­op­ment of educational, social and welfare strategies and policies. Within the public sector he has carried out pro­grammes at both local and central level as well as internationally. Further, his international experience, gained from especially Eastern Europe (Hungary, Estonia and the Czech republic), provides Lars with a profound experience of educational, social- and welfare problems in connection with different transitional economies, as well as with an in-depth knowledge of working with and within different distinct cultures. Since 2002 he has been the organisational manager of the exchange of Life Long Learning concepts between Asia and Europe organised by the ASEM (Asia Europe Meeting).
Lars has been Team Leader and Project Manager in a large number of projects both nationally and internationally and he has hence gained an extensive experience in the area of project design- and management. Furthermore he has carried out several national and international evaluations and case studies in the field of social policy and education. He speaks fluent Danish, English and German.


Mr. Zsolt Vincze
partner, managing director



Zsolt Vincze graduated as economist on the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca (Romania), and gained diploma also on special European Union Finance and Accountancy at the Budapest Business School. He has been working for the company since its establishment. Zsolt has special knowledge on structural funds operation, vast experiences in planning and implementing programmes and projects. He is an expert on financing EU projects as well as budgeting and procurement issues. He gained significant experiences in designing and implementing international know-how transfer and exchange of experiences as well as developing international co-operation, including business matchmaking. Using his profound project management expertise Zsolt was the manager of several international and nation-wide complex projects. He speaks fluent Hungarian, English and Romanian.

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