Dates | Project | Name of client |
2009 - | Consultancy on the implementation of the project for the Salgótarján Micro Region: process consultancy, providing trainings and workshops on microregional development, assisting the elaboration of 30 project proposals, etc. (ESF project) | Salgótarján Micro-regional Associations of Local Governments |
2009 - | ‘NYITOK Open Learning Centres’ – Competence development programme to different target groups (EEA/Norway Grants) In cooperation with the Norwegian Lifelong Learning Institute technical assistance was provided to a Hungarian national association of NGO-s in developing a new model for competence development which provides easy access for low level skilled groups even in remote and rural areas. Development of basic skills is one of the key focus areas. Beside the development of the ‘NYITOK Open Learning Centre’ model local NGOs received training and consultancy on how to work out local strategy for competence development in partnership with the labour offices and local businesses, as well as elaborate tailor made competence development programme to different target groups including active and inactive women and young mothers would like to return to work. | Hungarian Association for Lifelong Learning |
2008 - | “Reporting on ESF Interventions in the European Union” – Short-term Expert | Bernard Brunhes International |
2006 - | Elaboration of local and local educational equality plans for more than 40 Local Governments | Local Governments |
2005 - | Evaluation of medium-term micro-regional social development plans and programs | Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (SZMM) |
2003 - | Coordination of medium-term micro-regional social development programs | Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (SZMM) |
2009-2010 | Elaboration of the medium-term strategy for The Refuge Foundation | The Refuge Foundation |
2009-2010 | Within the project “Evaluation of the contribution of the European Social Fund to the European Employment Strategy” responsible to carry out evaluation in Hungary and preparation of national evaluation report. The evaluation is carried out for DG Employment, EU Commission. | Ramboll Management A/S |
2009-2010 | Development of inspection methodology to quality control of social services, compilation of a manual to quality inspectors as well as elaboration of guidance of self-inspection to social service providers | “Viktória” Psychiatric Care and North Great Plain Regional Methodological Centre |
2009-2010 | Risk-screening of the projects under GOP-2009-2.1.1/A (Economic Development Operational Programme) | MAG - Hungarian Economic Development Centre |
2009-2010 | Programme development, consultancy and training for Social Service Providers in the North Great Plain Region; Development of the services of the Regional Methodological Centre | “Viktória” Psychiatric Care and North Great Plain Regional Methodological Centre |
2009-2010 | Continuous consultancy concerning 1-4 priority axes of Economic Development Operational Programme (EDOP), and advisory services of the Managing Authority within the National Development Agency | National Development Agency (NFÜ) |
2009-2010 | Quality assessment and scoring of project applications submitted under the Call for Proposals Ref.: HURO/0801 and HURO/0901 in the frame of Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 | VÁTI Hungarian Public Non-profit Company for Regional Development and Town Planning |
2009 - | Within the project “Carrying out Stakeholder Analysis in the framework of the public engagement process concerning the PROGRESS programme and related activities” a national analyses and report was prepared as part of the preparatory process for DG Employment initiative: “The Future of Social Europe”, which aims to create a vision for the future of European social policies that will feed into the new post-2010 Social Agenda. | Bernard Brunhes International |
2009 - | Elaboration and delivery of training on how to develop adult learning programmes for vulnerable groups – National Civil Fund | Hungarian Association for Lifelong Learning |
2009 - | Further development and updating of Price Catalogue to assist planning of schemes, evaluation of project proposals as monitor and control spending during the implementation of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRDOP) | National Development Agency (NFÜ) |
2009 - | Designing and implementing training for pedagogues and students of on inclusive education of children with disabilities; Updating the handbook “Curriculum and Guidance on Inclusive Education for the Hungarian Teachers Training institutes” – European Commission PROGRESS Program “Together for Equality 2008-2009” Action 2.2 | Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (SZMM) |
2009 - | “Proposal on the Further Development of the System of Territorial Development Funds in order to Efficiently Boost Local Economic Development” The task of Progress Consult was to evaluate the results and operation of the fund in the last four years as well as to make proposals on new schemes and programmes which would boost local economic development more efficiently. | Ministry for National Development and Economy (NFGM) |
2008-2009 | Elaboration of the medium-term strategy for the Hungarian Association for Lifelong Learning | Hungarian Association for Lifelong Learning |
2008 | Market research on the actual position of the products and brand of Exhausto in the Hungarian market, the assessment of the actual sales strategy and formulation of recommendations for future development. | Exhausto CDT A/S |
2008 | Comparative study of grants and revolving subsidy programmes within the context of Economic Development Operational Programme (EDOP) Comparing the potential roll-on effects of grants and revolving subsidies (microcredit, guarantees, venture capital) within the EDOP. Comparing the policy advantages and disadvantages of the two types of state intervention, generally, and within the Hungarian framework. | MAG - Hungarian Economic Development Centre |
2008 | Preparation of Micro-regional mid-term development strategy for the Public Education | Salgótarján Micro-regional Associations of Local Governments |
2008 | Application writing and project development training for staff of NGO-s | Hungarian Association for Lifelong Learning |
2008 | Preparation of Micro-regional mid-term development strategy for the Public Education | Balassagyarmat Micro-regional Associations of Local Governments |
2007-2008 | Project development and project supervision Project generation; Creation of project pipeline for the Foundation donation activities in Hungary; Evaluation of project concept notes submitted to Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation. | Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation |
2007-2008 | Impact study for the transformation of the system of collaterals within public economic development programmes, especially the Economic Development Operational Programme (EDOP) | MAG - Hungarian Economic Development Centre |
2007 | 2008 Joint Report on the implementation of the Education and Training 2010 work programme Report on consultation exercise on ECVET; Sub-Consultancy Agreement | GHK Consulting Ltd. |
2006-2008 | HRDOP 2.2.2 Central Programme „Promoting social inclusion through the training of professionals working in the social field and by development of cooperation model between social and labour services” Technical Assistance to the design and implementation of the HRDOP 2.2.2 Central Programme in Hungary, which aimed at promoting social inclusion and labour market integration through the raise of competences of 1600 professionals working with disadvantaged people (Component A) and modelling the integrated operation of the social and labour service providers on local level (Component B). The technical assistance was provided to the main implementing agencies, the National Institute of Social Policy and Labour Affairs as well as the Hungarian Employment Service and included services like programme design, curriculum development and delivering training, supporting and evaluating model experiences. | National Institute for Social Policy and Labour Affairs (NCSSZI) |
2006-2008 | Development of a National Information System and Need Assessment Model for the Social Service Provision System Carrying out an overall comparative study in order to assess EU experiences (failures and good practices) linked to development of various need assessment systems. Collecting and analyzing the national experiences, methods and good practices linked to assessment of social services. Elaborating the first model-version of the need assessment system. Development of methodological procedures and handbook for helping the assessment and analysis of local and regional social needs. | National Institute for Social Policy and Labour Affairs (NCSSZI) |
2006-2008 | Midterm evaluation of the Regional Partnership Programme (Austrian EU-Platform) On behalf of draxl&zehetner consulting network contracted for the midterm evaluation of the Regional Partnership Programme Progress Consult Ltd has carried out 7 interviews and an evaluation report based on them. | draxl & zehetner consulting network |
2006-2008 | Advisory services for the 4th priority axis (Financial services for SMEs) of the Economic Development Operational Programme within the 2nd National development Plan, focusing on the Action Plan and the relevant programming documents | National Development Agency (NFÜ) |
2006-2008 | Evaluation of Hungarian District Psychiatry The aim of the evaluation was to assess the quality and efficiency of the service provision, client support and treatment on the site of a representative number of district psychiatric service providers. Furthermore the objective was to assess how various practices and methods leads to better psychiatric services and to clarify how the future inspection system, service provision accreditation and quality control mechanisms shall be in the future. | National Methodological Centre of District Psychiatry (PSZIBO) |
2006-2008 | Training programme on the operation of the Structural Funds and project management for representatives of NGOs / Catholic and Protestant Church of Northern-Serbia and Montenegro. | Apáczai Public Foundation |
2006-2008 | Designing and elaboration of Guideline and Price Catalogue to assist the preparation of breakdown of costs for project promoters within the frame of the implementation of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRDOP) | Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (SZMM) |
2006-2008 | Professional coordination and technical assistance within the Interreg IIIA Austria/Hungary Cross-border cooperation program about developing integrated service center in a western Hungarian small region The aim of the project was to develop a service center in a small region in the neighbourhood of Austria in cooperation with Austrian organizations and institutions. The service center was established to coordinate labour-market initiations, social services and comprehensive regional developments in both countries. Within the frameworks of the project cooperation strategies were developed with the purpose of forming a professional cross border network and launching and promoting joint regional social and labour market projects and initiations. Responsibility of Progress Consult was to coordinate and manage procedures comprising: Organizing and facilitating meetings, seminars, cross border trips; Supporting professional networks; Generating projects in cooperation with professional networks; Making resource map; Organizing and facilitating the closing conference; Making reference book, brochures. (Partners: Burgenländische Forschungs-gesellschaft, Austria; Verein VAMOS, Austria; Alpokalja Micro Region; Labour Centre of Győr-Moson-Sopron County, Hungary; Regional Social Resource Centre, Hungary) | Municipality of Lövő |
2006 | Training for IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) in Turkey The global objective of this assignment was to support the State Planning Organisation and other relevant Turkish institutions in effectively executing their pre-accession roles and functions in areas of environment, transport, SMEs (including technology transfer and innovation etc.), health, education, energy and human resource development. The specific objective of this assignment is to improve the capacity of line ministries and other related public institutions which have main responsibility for the preparation of the Coherence Strategic Framework and the Operational Programmes as well as project generation, feasibility studies and environmental impact assessment analysis. As subcontractor to Ecorys International Progress Consult had the responsibility for the elaboration and provision of training programmes to enable staff of relevant ministries and institutes to prepare HRDOP for 2007–2013. (Partners: Ecorys, The Netherlands; EURA A/S, Denmark) | Republic of Turkey, State Planning Office |
2006 | Elaboration of Quality Inspection System of Social Services Quality Inspection System launched by the National Institute for Family and Social Policy was developed to form a standardized quality inspection system for all social services regulated by the Act on Social Service Provision. Within the frameworks of it more than 400 experimental inspections were implemented nationwide in 2006-2007 being in tune with the new inspection approach and methods. Based on this experience the project concluded in the compilation of the Inspection Manual for uniformed quality inspection for social services, which included: Inspector’s manual; Inspection Standards; Inspector’s Toolbox; Inspection reports; Strategy for system development. | National Institute for Family and Social Policy (NCSSZI) |
2006 | Market research for Dansk Industri | Dansk Industri |
2005-2006 | National evaluation of the EQUAL Programme for Hungary This included the evaluation of the EQUAL Pilot phase 2002-2004 and 39 EQUAL projects established in 2005 under the following topics: Gender equity issues; Support to Asylum Seekers, Lifelong Learning and adaptability and Employability for disadvantageous groups on the Hungarian labour market. It was a program evaluation which supported the development of a coherent national system for the implementation of the ESF EQUAL Program in Hungary. Assessment of management systems, programme implementation dynamics, selection procedures, monitoring systems, and the quality and use of the evaluation. | Ministry of Employment and Labour (FMM) - HRDOP and EQUAL Management Authority |
2005-2006 | Technical assistance to the implementation of the Economic Competitiveness Operational Programme (ECOP) 2005-2006 Progress Consult contributed to the elaboration of the TA strategy of 2005 and the implementation of two preferential TA projects: intermediate evaluation of ECOP and assessment of the institutional structure of ECOP. In addition in the frame of this project Progress Consult participated in preparatory works of tender documentation, managing certain tender procedures, evaluation of the project proposals and supporting project appraisal process. | Ministry of Economy and Transport (GKM) - ECOP Management Authority |
2004-2005 | Organisational management and support to the establishment of the HUB/Network (Asian European Education and Research HUB for Life Long Learning and Adult Learning) | The Danish University of Education |
2003-2005 | Project Generation Facility (PGF) and Elaboration of ESF Project Proposals in consortium with PLS Ramboll Development of more than 450 project ideas into fully fledged project proposals ready for support under ESF-financed Human Resource Development Operational Programme (HRDOP). Progress Consult provided 42 experts, and among others was responsible for development of project proposals targeting the promotion the return of women to labour market and setting up their own enterprises. Progress’ experts were also charged with organizing a study tour to Ireland to project promoters as well as programme managers of responsible authorities to identify good practices in women employment and supporting women in development their own businesses. (Partnerek: AAM Rt., Hungary; Excellence Rt., Hungary; Fundación CIREM, Spain; EURA A/S, Denmark; Fitzpatrick Associates, Ireland; KPMG Hungária Kft., Hungary; LASA Brandenburg, Germany; Ramboll, Denmark; RÖM Management Kft., Hungary) | CFCU Hungary |
2002-2004 | Ensuring Basic Skills for all ASEM IV Initiative for Life Long Learning Network group under the Asian-European Meeting (ASEM) on the Life Long Learning initiative established under the Head of States summit I 2002 Copenhagen. The group has provided an important case study for the establishment of a conceptual understanding of Lifelong Learning among the weakest groups of society. Furthermore the group has established an ongoing exchange of experience regarding the principles of adult literacy and learning. This concept has been adopted by the OECD expert group on Life Long Learning together with DeSeCo concept for Life Long Learning. Consultancy to the ASEM Working Group; Organisation of case study; Reporting. (Partners: Singapore Work Force Development Agency; Ministry of Labour – Thailand; ILO; MARA; The Swedish Ministry of Education; National Adult Literacy Association – Ireland) | Danish Ministry of Education |
2002-2003 | Development of the quality of social services and improvement of the social delivery system of III district in Budapest Implementation of a quality development programme to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the institutions delivering basic social provisions to unemployed people, elderly, disadvantaged family, people living with disabilities and endangered children. All social institutes run by the local government were involved in the programme (altogether 6 integrated social institutes with more than 25 premises). Introduction and support the implementation of quality development system, which includes; Training; Process consultancy; Advising; Evaluation, assessment of user satisfaction. | Local Government of the III district of Budapest |
2002-2003 | Technical assistance to the PHARE programme “Combating exclusion from the world of work” Technical assistance for programme development and management, elaboration of tender dossier for grant scheme within the frame of 2003/004-347.05.03 “Combating exclusion from the world of work”. | Ministry of Employment and Labour Affairs (FMM) |
2002-2003 | Integrated training programme for the preparation of NGOs aiming at the labour market reintegration of unemployed people for the EU accession and relating challenges Preparation of Hungarian NGOs working in the field of employment promotion, labour market reintegration of unemployed people, especially long term unemployed and other vulnerable groups. Establishing overall training concept: Training design; Training need assessment; Curriculum development; Design and implementation of the training modules. | Association of Non-profit Organisations for Promoting Employment |
2002 | Delivery of training and technical assistance services to the implementation of the grant application and contracting process within the programme HU0104-02: “Tackling the gender gap in the labour market” | Ministry of Employment and Labour Affairs (FMM) |
2002 | Technical Assistance to preparation of Grant Schemes for HU0105-02: “Promoting Access of people with disabilities to the labour market”, and HU0104-02: “Tackling the gender gap in the labour market” ESF-type measures Technical assistance to the Tender Preparatory Working Groups set up for the preparation of grant schemes within the above mentioned two programmes. The programmes aimed to promote the preparation of the potential beneficiaries for the structural funds, especially for the design and implementation of ESF-type projects. Developing the full package of the tender dossiers for the two grant schemes. Technical assistance to the Tender Preparatory Working Groups set up for the preparation of grant schemes within the above mentioned two programmes. The programmes aimed to promote the preparation of the potential beneficiaries for the structural funds, especially for the design and implementation of ESF-type projects. Developing the full package of the tender dossiers for the two grant schemes. (Partner: FAS International Ltd., Ireland) | CFCU Hungary / Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs (ESZCSM) / Ministry of Employment and Labour Affairs (FMM) |
2001-2004 | Integration of disadvantaged youth into the education system and labour market (Phare HU9904-01) Progress Consult Ltd. has participated in identification of problems and planning projects in the field of integration of disadvantaged youth into the education system and labour market. These projects have been awarded to receive grants from the EU PHARE Programme targeting the improvement of the education of Roma children. Project in Rozsály micro-region (North Great Plain Region), in Kecskemét and Kunszentmiklós (South Great Plain Region), in Dunavecse and its surrounding settlements (South Great Plain Region). Training; Application and project design; Advising to project management; Support to reporting; Introduction of self – evaluation system. | |
2001 | Technical assistance to ‘Employability and Long Term Employment of Multiply Disadvantaged Groups’ (PHARE Grant Scheme HU0008-03) Provision of administrative, technical and professional support to the work of the Tender Preparatory Working Group for the PHARE Grant Scheme project titled ‘Employability and Long Term Employment of Multiply Disadvantaged Groups’ HU0008-03. The ESF-type pilot programme aimed to develop and introduce new methods for the improvement of employability of young Roma unemployed disabled people as well as those long term unemployed over 45. | ESF National Implementing Agency |
2000-2003 | Designing and implementing international training programs (USAID/WL – “Third Country Training (TCT)”, USAID/AED – “Strategic Technical Assistance for Results with Training (START)”) “Small Credit Unions” for Albanian specialists (2000). The main aim of the program was to introduce and familiarize the participants with the entire operational process of credit unions in Hungary. ”Cash and Debt Management” for heads and senior economists from the Ministry of Finance in Lithuania (2000). The cash- and domestic and foreign currency debt management policies of the Hungarian State were presented, including the responsible institutions and their specialized departments. “Pension and Social Security Systems Reform” for representatives of the responsible authorities, main trade unions and industrial associations from Bulgaria (2000). The program consisted of presentations of the Hungarian pension scheme and the experiences and facilitation of the implementation of the pension reform process. “Mayor City Council Cooperation” for mayors and chairmen of city councils from Albania (2001). The main objective of the program was to present the roles of mayor, municipality officers and city council regarding policy setting and implementation in the practice of Hungarian local governments. “Tax Administration: Compliance Issues” for Department Heads and Heads of Sections from the Ministry of Finance in Croatia (2001). The program was aimed to familiarize the participants with the Hungarian tax compliance system and to present the experiences gained and practices applied in regards to surmounting shadow economy. “Local Economic Development” for specialists representing the Local Government Departments of Economic Development, the Regional Development Agencies and the Local Business Associations from Bulgaria (2001). The program consisted of presentations on how local economic development is planned and implemented in Hungary and the role the Hungarian municipalities in local business development. “Woman Mayors – Local Governance and Decentralization” (2001). This training aimed to assist the Mayors of the settlements of “Centar District” in Skopje, Miravci and Oslomej from Macedonia to develop their managerial and politician knowledge and skills needed to become successful mayors as well as to be able to contribute to the further decentralization of governance and the development of legislation on local governments. “Regional Health Reform Enrolment, Health Marketing and Health Promotion” (2001). The central aim of the program was to support the implementation of public health reforms in the Central Asian Republics by training communication and marketing experts who can promote the reforms; prepare the public to use the new systems and to form opinions; and improve communication between professionals and the clients. “Local Revenue Administration” – training for Albanian specialists (2002). „Solid Waste Management” – training for Albanian specialist (2002). „Small Cities Economic Development” – training for Kazakh specialist (2002). „Study Tour for City Finance Officers” – training for Armenian specialist (2002). | World Learning Ict. / Academy for Education Development (AED) / Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights |
2000-2001 | Cost-efficiency and Quality Development A Consortia of three Colleges in Hungary, with the leadership of the Budapest College of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accountancy in Salgótarján elaborated a special post graduate programme to managers of social institutions on cost-efficiency and quality development in public services. The aim of the programme is to supply the managers of social institutions with tools for the improvement of quality and cost-effectiveness in public services. Adapting special quality development systems and tools to improve cost-effectiveness developed for public services to the Hungarian circumstances, trying them out in an experimental project, evaluation, curriculum development. (Partner: Budapest College of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accountancy in Salgótarján) | Budapest College of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accountancy in Salgótarján |
2000-2001 | Development of Complex Support System to NGOs aiming to help unemployed and to create workplaces by launching business activities The Association of Nonprofit Businesses for Promoting Employment is a nationwide umbrella organisation of NGOs working to create workplaces through launching business activities and enterprises. The Association involving other national organisations was awarded by the National Employment Fund with grant to create a complex support system to NGOs working in the field in order to increase their employment capacity and to help their efforts in the reintegration of those out of job. The programme incorporated training activities, business advisory and complex consultancy services as well as networking activities. The results of the programme forced the implementers and funders to continue in the year 2002 too. Carrying out need assessment analyses; Elaboration of programme concept for building up complex support system to non-profit businesses; Development of training curriculum, development of training materials, conducting part of the training as trainer (training on business planning, project management, quality management). | Association of Non-profit Businesses for Promoting Employment |
1998-1999 | Training for the Promotion of Communication and Co-operation between NGOs and LGs in Hungary The project aimed to promote the communication and co-operation between Local governments and NGOs in Hungary. Therefore special training programme was elaborated and carried out in seven regions in Hungary for facilitating the communication and co-operation of LGs and NGOs and for the development of knowledge and management skills of representatives of municipalities and NGOs. The regional training programmes consisted of seven training modules based on local needs. Altogether 260 participants took part in the regional training programmes representing as many as hundred NGOs and their counterpart local governments. (Partner: PLS Consult) | Hungarian Foundation for the Development of Local Social Networks |